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Monday, April 3, 2017

How Can You Disconnect Yourself from Electronics

The Internet has absorbed the task of organizing works and social relationship and commitments.Sometimes your online life can feel like it’s taking a toll on your waking life. If you want to disconnect yourself from devices, messaging and social media, you can use these tools and strategies to feel more directly connected to our world..

Designing Your Home Environment

  • Move your computers into a dedicated “computer room” or office. Your bedroom and another room or nook should be devoid of all electronics  

  • ·         Move your chargers into the computer room. When a device needs to be charged, leave it in a room. The sounds and vibrations from a charging device can interrupt an otherwise calm experience

  • Make your bedroom off-limit to electronics. Don’t bring your phone, tablet or TV inside. Blue light has been shown to interrupt sleeping habits.
    •  Most people don’t get enough sleep anyway because of their constant engagement with these gadgets.

  •     Turn off your alarm on the weekends. Waking up on your own several days each week may help you feel more satisfied. If you don’t get enough sleep, fill 1 hour of time you would normally spend on the Internet.

  • ·         People who get 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day have less stress and are healthier. Lack of sleep can actually reduce the function of your immune system and increase anxiety.

How to Set Up Netflix Using an Activation Code

Netflix is sort of like a modern day HBO. The streaming service offers older television shows and movies, and in recent years has created some of the most compelling original shows available anywhere. But to take advantage of Netflix, you'll need a device with Netflix support built into it, or with the ability to install a Netflix app

In some instances  like on an iPad - setting up Netflix is as simple as signing into your account with a username and password. Other times you'll find yourself staring at a screen with a random sequence of numbers and letters ­-otherwise known as an activation code - and instructions to visit Netflix on your computer.

You're most likely to encounter such a screen when connecting a Wi-Fi enabled Blu-ray player or TV to your Netflix account

Here's what to do when presented with a Netflix activation code:-
  1. Launch a web browser on any device that you can browse from-like your smartphone, tablet, or PC. 
  2. Using the address bar, navigate to
  3. Sign into your Netflix account if necessary. 
  4. Enter the activation code displayed on your TV in the box. 
  5. Click the "Activate" button. 
A few seconds later your device should refresh and bring up your Netflix account. While the extra steps with a secondary device might seem annoying, keep in mind that you'll never have to enter a username and password on this device -- so that's a big convenience.
Happy streaming!!!!! J J

Having Multiple SIM cards may land you in trouble

Having Multiple SIM cards may land you in trouble Telecom companies has been directed to disconnect services of subscribers who have mor...

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